Lately we are experiencing a holy war between TDD followers and those that stands against it. As a strong believer in OOP principles I should consider myself a TDD follower. However I think that the truth, as always, lies somewhere in between. I practice TDD only in a parts of an application, that I think makes sense to drive its design from tests. I’m not trying obsessively write tests first, because sometimes I simply can’t. Also I’m not trying to unit test everything. I believe there are parts that can and should be unit tested and some not. I’m trying to get best from both worlds.

So I’ve decided to describe my understanding on how and what to test and when to TDD.

Application borders

The key to understanding what to test as an unit and what requires integration testing is knowing that each application has its borders. What lies inside the borders you can call a core of an application and what lies outside the borders you can call… well it doesn’t matter how you call it. The point is that the majority of your testing and design efforts should focus on the core of the application. Also it is very important to ensure that all dependencies cross borders in same direction. Dependencies should go from your core to whatever lies beyond application borders.

The core of an application is all the services, interactors, business objects, however you call it, that implements your domain, business logic. All other stuff like framework, routing, database, external API’s, file system, external libraries, presentation layer are just supporting your core.

Given that what you should TDD and unit test is all your core logic. And the reason behind that is not tests speed. The tests speed is a benefit that we gain for free when we unit test in isolation. The reason is that when you unit test in isolation you have greater control over all the conditions that may happen on the borders of a system that you mock. It is much easier to simulate certain situations. It is easier to instruct a mock object to return certain response than to instruct external API. Sometimes you don’t even have any sandbox/test environment which you can call in your tests.

TDD works well in designing your core application logic. Classes are small, decoupled and easy to test. Tests speed is for free.

In contrast everything that lies on and outside borders should be tested in integration. There is no point to unit test Rails controllers or views. Similarly there is no point to unit test ActiveRecord stuff like scopes. It really doesn’t matter that a scope creates a query that you’ve expected, by calling appropriate ActiveRecord methods, unless you execute that query against the real database and ensure it is valid and returns proper records.

The point is that you must ensure that your core application logic integrates well with the outside world. You really don’t need to test every single case that may happen, leave that for unit tests if possible. Ensure that everything together works fine and you’ve done with integration tests.

When application borders blur

I think this is the cause of all misunderstanding in the whole against TDD story. The problem is that Rails blurred application borders. In fact core logic lies either in controllers or in models. We can say that the framework drives our design.

It is fine for simple, small to medium sized applications and whenever you need fast prototype. If you are in this situation do not fight against the framework design instead embrace it. However if your business logic is complex and you expect that size of your application will be from medium to large driving application design by the framework is not a good idea. You will die somewhere between 2000 and 6000 line of code of User class with hundred callbacks.

When application borders are not clearly defined you shouldn’t unit test. Its pointless as mocking all the details will kill you (have you ever mocked chain of ActiveRecord calls?). Driving design by tests is also pointless as framework already drives your design and they will conflict.

However if your application logic is fairly complex you will need something that wraps the core logic and clearly defines borders. Concerns that were introduced to Rails are not a good answer to that problem in my opinion. Concerns, which are nothing else but mixins, are form of inheritance and you really want to avoid inheritance if possible (and use aggregation instead). Here driving core logic design with TDD is perfectly fine. Everything else doesn’t need TDD-ing.

Driving design by integration/system tests is pointless. They are too general. Too abstract.

Where are my borders?

In typical Rails application controllers are your borders. ActiveRecord models are borders. Everything that calls external API’s and filestem are borders. Calling a class from a gem may be considered as a border, but it is not always a case, so you need good judge in this regard.

None of the above is particularly good to unit test. And also you cannot drive the design as the framework or the API’s already picked design for you.

Models should be tested against the database, to ensure that queries works well. Routing and views are best tested via the tools like Capybara. There is no point to mock out HTTP protocol.

If you call gem’s like Faraday or RestClient, even standard Net::HTTP you really want to wrap those with your own object like HttpClient. The reasoning is that you want to mock (in your core) only classes that you own. If you mock things from the libraries (even standard) you may fall into a situation that all tests are passing, but the actual application doesn’t work. Also your tests will be more fragile to gem/API’s changes.

In some future posts I’ll describe some techniques that I’m mentioning here.


As in every conflict there is no single truth and holy grail. Application core, encapsulated and with clearly defined borders is where you should focus your testing efforts and TDD. Design of code that lies on and beyond the borders doesn’t need to be driven by tests. It is already driven by framework, libraries, API’s etc.

Don’t be obsessively to not write a single line of production code before the test. From the other hand it is much easier to do with integration/system tests as you write general test scenarios that covers more parts of an application and on a higher lever not caring about the implementation details. General tests do not drive application design though.

Not all application needs to encapsulate core logic. However it helps significantly in complex applications and when you’ll need to maintain application for a long time. Decision is yours and judge well.

Do not be afraid of indirections (despite what DHH says). Indirection doesn’t destroy your design. With proper naming. simple, clean classes design is even easier to understand as you don’t need to care about the implementation details. You can even say what the system is doing by scanning the names of modules and classes in your core logic.

Focus your efforts on things that matters - application core logic. Test and design it well. Ensure that you cross the application borders in a correct way, you don’t need to test every single case for code that is not core for your application. Tests for core already are doing that so don’t repeat yourself.

Autor: Michał Orman

Full-stack web developer, software and solution architect, project manager, agile enthusiast and professional with enterprise background that loves getting things done. Productivity, constant improvement, highest possible quality are his attitudes.

Currently he is working with Ruby on Rails stack and JavaScript but his background includes enterprise development in Java/J2EE, mobile development for Android platform and embedded development in C/C++ for telecom.

He is an avid follower of SOLID principles, that loves simple design. Nothing makes him more happy than simple interfaces, small methods and clean code. His toolkit includes UNIX/Linux systems, VIM and of course Git.